If for any reason you need a refund for items ordered we allow 7 days for this to take place. In order to obtain your refund the items must be in “new” condition that could be resold. If your items are used in anyway your refund will be denied.
It will be at your expense to mail the items back and once the items are deemed as “new” condition you will be refunded promptly.
If you have ordered the wrong size or the wrong item and need to exchange the item(s) it will be at your expense to ship the items back to us. If we were not at fault you may absorb shipping costs to correct your mistake and get the items you initially wanted to order. If the mistake is on us then we will take care of it 100% and absorb costs to get you the items you ordered.
As mention above but to clarify, if we make a mistake and send you the wrong items size, color etc. then we will absorb all costs to correct the order. However, if you made a mistake in your order and you selected the wrong size, color etc. then it will be up to you to absorb the shipping fees correcting your order.
We know that every situation is different so we approach each situation as such. You are always welcome to contact us about your order at any given time.
Please use the Contact Page for issues or concerns regarding your purchase.